Roger's journey to the PJC began in Cleveland, where he was raised in a vibrant Jewish community surrounded by his large extended family. Every Friday night, his grandparents' house became the gathering place for cherished Shabbat dinners, a tradition that fostered deep connections with family and friends. Even before social outings with his peers, Roger always went to Shabbat dinner at his grandparents’ first. Almost every Shabbat morning, Roger accompanied his grandfather to Shul at Park Synagogue in Cleveland, where he later served on the board.
In 2005, when Roger relocated to New York, he embarked on a dedicated quest to find the perfect synagogue for his family. Upon discovering the PJC, he immediately sensed it was their new spiritual home—ironically, as the PJC was temporarily housed in two local churches!
Roger and his family were warmly welcomed into the PJC community, which quickly became an extended family. The Goldmans, Cohens, Martins, Glickmans, Abeshouses, Klebanows, Dvorkins, Leonards, Collens and so many others embraced them wholeheartedly. Both Chloe and Oliver grew up within the temple's embrace, celebrating their Bar and Bat Mitzvahs surrounded by loved ones. Chloe’s Bat Mitzvah turned the PJC into a Purim Carnival. In 2015, Roger and Catherine married in Jamaica, among PJC friends, Avinoam and Havi and a PJC Torah that was gleefully smuggled into Jamaica by Jack Klebanow.
When Julia arrived, she found herself surrounded by a ready-made group of Aunts and Uncles, eager to shower her with love and attention during services and other holidays. Rumor has it, her presumed presence has increased attendance significantly on Saturday mornings. Roger's attendance record and punctuality are legendary; he's often the first to arrive for Shabbat services, to lead pesukei dezimra and help Rabbi Ben organize the service. He davens like a rock star and his spirited nigunim are known to reverberate throughout the building. As Larry Cohen once remarked, Roger's boundless enthusiasm remains constant, whether the congregation numbers three or thirty.
During his nearly two-decade involvement with the PJC, Roger's energy and dedication have never wavered. Serving as Chairman of Religious Practices for five years, he has been a stalwart presence, organizing holiday programs, coordinating honors at Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, and teaching alongside Anna in the learning centers. His expertise extends to Torah handling—likely holding the record for the highest hold—and every year, he meticulously selects Lulavim and Etrogim for congregants every Sukkot. He for years insured Avinoam and Family were present for holidays and often is the opening act for the Yamim Noraim. Through his grandparents, he contributed to the PJC playground.
In the PJC kitchen, Roger remains active, having cooked dinner for countless haggim and shabbatot and filled in as a kitchen assistant for Adam Bukowski's christening. Above all, Roger treasures the PJC and all that it has given him - a close community, joy, and lifelong friendships cultivated both within the sanctuary and beyond its walls. So, whether you seek an Aliyah, assistance with cooking a Shabbat dinner, someone to lead a service, help building a sukkah, guidance for planning a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, recommendations for quality Kosher wine, or simply a recipe for anything at all, don't hesitate to reach out to Roger – he will happily oblige.